

Johann Grander's Life

Eshel Ben Jacob (2015†) - international bekannter Wissenschaftler und Professor, Israel - suchte den Kontakt zu Johann Grander und reiste nach Jochberg in Tirol um ihn zu treffen Eshel Ben Jacob (2015†) - international bekannter Wissenschaftler und Professor, Israel - suchte den Kontakt zu Johann Grander und reiste nach Jochberg in Tirol um ihn zu treffen
"I was led to water and I am very grateful that I was able to discover water revitalisation."  (Johann Grander Sr. 1930 - 2012)

The life of Johann Grander was a journey with characterising points along the way:  from a meagre childhood, due to war, all the way to having a large, happy family with Ingeborg and their 8 children, a time of hard work to a completely new direction.

In 1978 Johann Grander gave up his profession and began a path of spiritual and mental further development.  He started to observe nature very intensively and began to do research.  His experiments led him to water; the element that accompanied him the rest of his life.

The years partially difficult and full of privation but also the happy, successful years shaped Johann Grander to a devout, gracious, understanding person; a man with wise and relaxed generosity; a man with extensive knowledge about water; the 'water man' of the Tyrol.

>> MORE ... about the life and journey of Johann Grander

>> MORE ... about the awards and recognition of Johann Grander

>>FILM: The Water Man of Tyrol shows the life of Johann Grander

Photo:  Eshel Ben Jacob - internationally known scientist and professor in Israel, sought out contact to Johann Grander and travelled to Jochberg, Tyrol to meet him.

Eshel Ben Jacob:

Professor of Physics, Tel Aviv University

School of Physics and Astronomy

The Sagol School of Neuroscience

Maguy-Glass Prof. in Physics of Complex Systems 

Former President of the Israel Physics Society

  • Johann Grander Sen.

    (1930 - 2012)

    "If people only realized that earth is a living being, they would approach it very differently."


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